What is the perfect Onpage SEO template for optimizing ranking and results? That’s a question that comes often so I decided to create a template with the best-proven optimization methods.
The main keyword should always be in your title (at the beginning), h1, h2, and in your slug (URL).
For example, if your main keyword is “best dog foods”, your basic configuration should look like this:
Title: The 5 Best Dog Foods For All Races (Tested by Breeders)
Slug: yoursite.com/best-dog-foods/
(if you use the silo /best/ for all your roundups articles, you can use “yoursite.com/best/dog-foods/”).
H1: Best Dog Foods For Every Type of Dogs
H2: What Are The Best Dog Foods Brands
Okay now it’s the basic… let’s start with the template.
Best Dog Foods For Every Type of Dogs (H1)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi tempor aliquet mauris. Morbi best dog foods, euismod non nisi at, posuere bibendum ex. Curabitur synonym tristique ante at augue vulputate, a lobortis felis tristique.
Proin blandit sagittis elit non tempor. Phasellus ac justo non ex venenatis luctus et vitae eros. Praesent synonym eget nunc vel neque commodo convallis ac sed massa.
What Are The Best Dog Foods Brands (H2)
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed a facilisis purus, aliquam synonym tincidunt metus. Praesent, tincidunt ac diam vel, euismod pretium enim. Nunc a imperdiet diam, id dog foods.
- Brand #1 (Top rated dog food)
- Brand #2
- Brand #3
- Brand #4
- Brand #5
Top ranking table goes here…
Lorem ipsum dolor secondary keyword sit amet (H2)

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed viverra ex et ex synonym cursus aliquam. In ornare nibh id neque aliquam imperdiet. Donec secondary keyword consectetur est sit amet condimentum. In vel nulla eu ipsum euismod sagittis vitae rutrum odio.
Fusce massa est, fermentum vel luctus synonym quis, venenatis egestas quam. Suspendisse faucibus mauris purus, ac congue sem porta eu. Donec tristique semper vehicula. Phasellus synonym faucibus enim sed erat lacinia fermentum. Morbi quis ullamcorper mauris.
Ut a lacus tortor. Duis mattis lobortis dignissim. Cras eget laoreet odio. Ut sapien orci, synonym porttitor a orci non, tempus eleifend dolor. Vivamus quis maximus nunc.
(Repeat for every secondary keyword, be sure to include the secondary keyword in the image file name, in the alt info and in the first paragraph under your H2)
What To Prepare For Your Writer
It’s important to prepare a list of keywords and synonyms for your writer. That way, you will be sure that they will be all included in your article and at the right place!
It looks like;
Main Keyword: Best Dog Foods (Include in Title, H1, 1x H2, and in the first paragraph of the article)
Secondary Keywords; best dry dog food, dog food reviews, dog food ratings, the vet recommended dog food, dog food brands to avoid (Include one keyword per H2 heading and insert in the first paragraph, following the heading where the keyword has been used)
Synonyms; puppy, pet, canine, pup, cur, hound, breeds, pooch, mutt, mongrel, doggy, man’s best friend, domestic animal, meal, meat, nutriment, snack, feed, aliment, pick, top, rating (Include up to 3 times each synonym where it make sense).
Important Things to Remember
Here are some important points to remember:
The main keyword should ALWAYS be in your Title, H1, Slug, and in at least in one H2 heading. The main keyword should always be inserted in the first paragraph of your article. The main keyword should also be included in the first image file name, and in the alt information. (Do it naturally, see my example above. Don’t use the exact match keyword as the exact filename or alt info.)
If it’s a roundups article, always include a bullet list of your top products, this will increase considerably your chance to get the featured snippet if you rank on the first page. The main keyword should always be in the heading just above the bullet list (H1 or H2). Ideally, include the exact match or partial keyword just before the bullet list.
Always include your secondary keywords in one H2 and insert them in the first paragraph straight after the H2 heading. If you can, add a relevant image including your secondary keyword in filename and alt info, as you did for the main keyword.
Always include synonyms or relevant keywords/phrases in your content. Ideally, I try at least to use 10 synonyms per 1K words. The more you can have, the better it is. Just be sure to opt for a list of very relevant terms… Don’t create a list just for the purpose to have a big list… They need to be really relevant.
Bonus: Video how to find synonyms for free.